Todd Holcomb sparks the moral imagination of those that desire to lead with audacity, creativity and courage to create futures where human and planetary thriving go hand in hand.

I seek to make a meaningful contributions through my work—and to build upon the wisdom shared with me from wise people from all over the world—to tackle the issues and opportunities of this era.

I aim to: Cultivate passionate, humble learners with open minds. Spark the courage and moral imagination of executives and teams to lead differently in this human moment by bringing their highest selves and vibrant creativity in service of something greater than themselves. Build cultures of innovation, performance AND human-and-planetary flourishing. Create the next-generation of design tools for planet-centric design and innovation to address the climate crises. Grow diverse communities that feel empowered to act locally and nationally to change our trajectory for the better. Nurture the intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth of all those I encounter.